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Wooded Musium area

CONCEPT 9-7-18.jpg

Each element is curated in space to respect the action of the person inhabiting it. The first element that you are presented with is the path that leads into the forest piercing the barrier from the tamed landscape of Wisconsin to the wild forest. The directionality is linear and encompasses both interior and exterior elements. A path moves along the curves minimizing the amount of time that you are on a slope. A gravel path permanently creates a surface that tames the environment scaring the landscape. The overgrowth will no longer trespass the circulation that has been given to the user. The user is given the option of changing levels at any point along the path or continue into the wilderness where there are vestiges of the past including old farm equipment and other shelters. This condition creates a space that is similar to a museum. 

The project plugs affordance into the existing structure with the objective of creating hybridization of use, increasing the density of the space implementing RAAF’s ideology. Where action opportunities are given to the user there is a change of pace. From one section of the structure, you walk up steps that elevate you from the ground. The storage under the bed platform is accessible from both the level entering the structures and from the bed platform As you continue to walk parallel to the bed you are given two options: one where you are elevated to your sleeping area or a social area. This small space has furniture that can be manipulated by the user depending on the number of people are present, or the functionality that is necessary for a particular set of actions. The functionality is not pre-conceived where elements are present for a particular reason. There is no program but can be categorized as a social condenser. The amount of density could define the space as a personal study, social area, living area, or even a meditation space depending on the configuration of the simple affordance that was added.

Taliesin Shelter Spring Green WI

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